We began the morning where we left off the day prior, on the north end of this survey area at the base of the south facing slope. From there we moved north up the hill recording the various typologies of the burials within the cluster Ar/Ar.AG15.03. Given that these burials were amid extensive planned tree furrows, it is possible -- and likely -- that some of the distinctions we posited are incorrect. At the base of this survey we found a combination of kurgans and mounded cromlechs, as we ascended we also encountered a number of cobble cromlechs. At the beginning of the survey I noted Ar/Ar.GB15.06, a wall with a northwest bearing at the base of the surveyed hill. Situated in the middle of the burial cluster, there was no obvious distinction between the types of burials north and south of this feature. To the west, about halfway up the hill I recorded Ar/Ar.GB15.05, a wall with an L-shape formation that ran down slope and ran perpendicular to the east. After this feature the burial concentration really began to increase. There, we found a combination of kurgans, mounded and cobble cromlech. Accordingly, the architecture seems to demarcate the shift between burial and non-burial areas. Between this wall and Ar.Ar.GB15.04 there was a high concentration of kurgans and mounded cromlechs. Overall it seems that the larger burials were situated in the middle of the hill to the east. The northern most burials were considerably smaller in scale.
Just north of the burial cluster three area we walked Transect 3 from east to west. While walking I noted the presence of a number of kurgans as well as cobble and paved cromlechs.
Transect 4 ran west to east just north of Transect 3, while walking across the ravines I noted Ar/Ar.GB15.07 and Ar/Ar/GB15.08 two check dams composed of stone. In the latter, this feature (which was successfully impacting the water flow) consisted of multiple courses of stone. running perpendicular to the channel.
Following this transect we were treated to a guided tour of some of the neighboring ArAGATS sites.