On the second day of excavations at Aparani berd Operation 1, our energies were focused on establishing what rocks could be removed from the 'carpet' that covered the entire interior of the trench. I created 3 new loci. Locus 2 and 4 had the same footprint, and ran along the entire east side of the trench to a width of 1m. In excavating these, it was possible to make judgements on the removal of several stones, all of which were clearly floating. No clear signs of interior architecture yet. The small locus (3) in the northeast corner was created for the same purpose, but was not particularly helpful since we bottomed out on stones once again. 2 small finds today: a bone spindle whorl and a piece of iron. Also collected a few other curious artifacts for further assessment: a bone fragment with a piece of obsidian lodged in it, a piece of metal-bearing rock to show Arkady (I thought it might be slag), and another green stone to show Arkady. Salpi worked with me today.