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Day 2 of excavations in operation 2 at Aparani Berd. We commenced by excavating locus 3 (pit or other) where material densities remained moderate with obsidian, ceramic, and bone remains all represented. After removing about 30cm of locus 3 without encountering a clear change in soil matrix, it was getting more difficult to work in the small space. The pit section suggested the clay of locus 2 continued at least the same 30cm so we set out to even the trench.

About 5cm above where we had left locus 3, the soil of locus 2 changed in consistency. It became more intensely packed and chunky. In places, mineral rich seams ran through the clay. Material densities in what we designated locus 4 dropped to almost zero (already in locus 2 they were very low). At present, locus 4 appears to be sterile bedrock--it is hard to imagine additional deposits below this one. Locus 3 continues down and will be our focus for our next day of excavation. But for now my presumption is that we are finished excavating in ¾ of the operation designated locus 4.

This is a relatively surprising result. I had expected deposits in this area to be deeper as we are on the lowest terrace. But perhaps the area was cleared? The natural rock that makes up the western edge of the trench certainly appears to be carved.