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We opened a second test trench today at Aparani Berd on a lower terrace and further to the south of the site and we called it Operation 2. This trench is also 3mx4m and locus 1 revealed lithics, ceramics and bone. The trench is lined with its west side running along stones which appear to be a wall. After the Locus 1 was removed the second layer revealed two distinct soil colors. The majority of the trench was of a yellow clay and the southwest corner is a darker and sandier soil and constitutes locus 3. Most of the finds from the second layer were found in Locus 3 which appears to be some sort of a pit. We had one small find today: a retouched black obsidian knife. The entire trench was leveled and we plan to take both loci down another level to ascertain why there is a change.