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I continued today at Aparani Berd 1 with Lori and we continued to asses which stones could be removed to reveal structure and take down the trench another level. We opened up a locus 5 which was eventually expanded to include the rest of the trench that had not been taken down during Loci 2 and 4. Locus 5 extended to the same depth as Locus 2 and yielded several bags of bones and ceramics as well as nearly a full bag of lithics. Emerging are two walls: one that runs along the east side of the trench and another which curves. Locus 6 was opened with the same footprint as Locus 5 and was taken down to the same depth as Locus 4. Small finds included a small, broken, obsidian arrow point (possibly LB) and half of a mortar. Further explorations may include assessing whether more stones are tumble and can be removed and perhaps extending the trench to the south in order to further investigate the walls.