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Today began with droning of Gegharot, Tsaghkahovit, and Mt. Aragats, before we began walking our first formal transects in our new survey region (Nigavan Landscape). We began a 1.55 km transect and quickly encountered multiple settlements and burial clusters. I recorded Ar/Ni.AG15.01 as a settlement at the Kasakh edge as the river bends east towards MIrak. This rather small set of foundations included several terraces and a long wall or corridor that ran along the river edge in a southeasterly direction. Burials clusters were identified west and southeast of the settlement, including one in the Kasakh floodplain with several kurgans.

Further south along the transect we encountered a sprawling "cultural landscape" of walls, enclosures, basin carvings, and terraces, of unclear chronological affiliation. Tomorrow we will code the site as a settlement as well and continue south along the existing transects.

Visible in the Kasakh gorge were 4 or 5 caves with entrances of 5m width or less. These will be examined on the return transects.