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Today we moved an impressive amount of dirt at Aparani Berd 01. Most of our efforts focused on the southern half of the trench (the extension). We removed stones of all sizes that largely comprised locus 9 in the hopes of identifying a southern wall. These were not in any visible alignment, however, we have yet to discern a clear wall in this area. Once we began removing the rubble, it became clear that even some of the large boulders in this area (that we first suspected constituted the wall) were in fact floating on small stones. The presence of immense amounts of fauna and ceramic material as well as root activity verified the decisions we made to remove these stones -- for these would not likely have been found in between a *real* architectural feature. While excavating locus 9 we did also note the continuation of the lower wall. It now, no longer appears to take an arc formation but rather an L-shape. It became clear that this wall stopped rather abruptly in the southeast region of the trench. The logic of this is not exactly clear. Locus 10 was established in the northern area of the trench. It is a compact, light gray clay matrix visible along the periphery of the north and east baulks. The overall narrative of the architecture in this operation, to date, remains unclear. While I maintain my confidence that the two adjoining stones in the NE corner enclose a room, the walls that follow cannot clearly be traced. Moreover, the relationship of this corner to the floor or floor preparation surface is not obvious. I do believe that we are witnessing two distinct construction phases, but the stratigraphic sequence (harris matrix logic) remains unsettled. To some degree our confusion could be the product of the vandalism activity -- that said, we were confused prior to this incident.