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Today we did four transects running north and south as we continued our sweep heading closer to Aparani Berd. Transect 17 ran north towards the edge of the gorge we encountered a fortress, a settlement, several burials and a bunch of obsidian and two sherds- one likely much later (medieval). The settlement included several terraces and walled areas with a few enterances. Quite a few obsidian flakes appear worked. Transect 18 ran south from the river. We encountered several obsidian tools and debitage as well as a single sherd. A few walls were also encountered. Transect 19 was our final transect running north on this half of the survey region. We encountered a number of walls and possible fortifications as well as a burial cluster of Kurgans. Materials include sherds, obsidian and a broken stone tool. Also encountered were parts of a soviet sprinkler system including two sprinkler heads about a meter high and made of rusted metal and a cement sprinkler well. Transect 20 was our final transect for the day and our final south running transect on the side. A few obsidian flakes and sherds were found as well as the continuation of the sprinlerk syster: 2 sprinkler heads and another cement well. This was a fairly short transect. Over all today we had tons of surface finds (mostly obsidian) and we encountered walls and fortifications on nearly every hill we encountered.