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Today we walked three transects. During transect 21 we documented a settlement encompassing the entire final wedge across the river Kasakj from Aparani Berd. Non-diagnostic sherds and obsidian found in small quantities accross the site. Several cromlech burials as well as many walls of the settlement were recorded. Settlement name is Ar/Ni.ICL15.27. On transect 22 we encountered a burial cluster with large cromlechs and further towards the end of the transect we encountered another ofrtress with a large carved out of bedrock corridor. We found some obsidian in the runoff. On Transect 23 we headed North from the top of our new fortress and my transect followed a run-off where there were some obsidian and sherd finds. At the base of the hill was a large cement soviet building and the transect ended at a drainage.