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Today the KVAS expedition walked three transects in the Nigavan region and much to our delight stumbled upon multiple fortresses! The first transect of the morning (21) completed the last portion of the Ni landscape polygon. There, we noted the presence of burial clusters along left bank of the the Kasakh gorge as well as some additional Soviet era sprinklers. The burials -- mostly kurgans and cromlechs -- were situated predominately on the south end of the transect. Additionally, I noted the presence of a few wall segments that correspond to settlement Ar/Ni.ICL15.27.

Transect 22 was directed southward. Moving uphill, we were rewarded at the end of our trek with what appeared to be a fortress. The hilltop location coupled with the outcrop carved architecture was particularly telling of this feature. We noted the presence of cultural materials (pottery and obsidian) in the herd-paved areas and also noted the presence of rooms (corridors) adjacent to the structure. We also noted some burials immediately outside of this area.

Transect 23, our last walk of the day, directed north also drew us to another fortress. This one was of a similar character. Largely comprised of worked outcrop (faced walls and staircases) this architectural giant sat atop a hill, bearing a number of other fortresses (Aragatsi Berd, Aparani Berd, etc) in the line of sight. In the area adjacent to this, moreover, we noted the presence of both a kurgan heavy cemetery and a series of rooms in a terraced area. At the bottom end of this survey we discovered a palimpsest of cromlechs.