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Today was our first full day of survey in several--consistent cloud cover and cool temperatures made for a generally productive set of transects. I was working with Ian, Gabby, and Salpi in the west-central portion of the southern Nigavan survey quadrant. We walked one [new] southern transect, returned north on the half transect accomplished yesterday, and then performs one full south and one full north transect in the afternoon.

The group continued to document traces of Nigavan Settlement 05 and several significant burials clusters as we moved west. We also identified the arbitrary UTM northing of 4942100 as our southern quadrant boundary.

One of our transects today identified the continuation of a lengthy corridor / "highway" leading southwest from Nigavan Settlement 05. It stretches for almost 1 km along a major drainage rim and between several clusters of large cromlechs and kurgans. This is a rather unusual construction and cyclopean--no good analogues from Tsaghkahovit, for example--so it makes our dating of this built landscape even more nebulous than before.