Pavel's in the lower town today to help decide what stones on the locus 44 floor are unecessary and generally offer a second pair of eyes. He also determined that the locus 51 line of stones resting on locus 39 floor were not construction so we removed them. In 1x3m expansion, we finished topsoil so it's on to locus 57 below. In locus 57 recovered a whetstone/hammerstone (Ar/Ts.SLT1.57.L.1). Late in the day when we came down on the floor, we had uncovered a rounded corner of the locus 22 wall with a definite LBA vessel resting on the floor at the corner. This vessel is locus 61, which we cleaned, photographed and collected. Will further expand tomorrow to follow out the wall. While Pavel was watching the crew, I took pollen samples of locus 45 floor, and took some video and still shots of the process. Locus 58 is definitely turning out to be a pit in locus 48 floor and into bedrock. Very low artifact count, but took a soil sample from near the bottom of it. Opening up loci 19/34 floors to get a better view of pit and follow out locus 59 clay rim. In locus 44 stone floor, Pavel was curious about the gap of soil between the stones and the rest of floor in SE corner of locus. So we dug down into a gap between two of the larger stones to see what this gap was about; this will be locus 60. In SLT3 we're still clearing off locus 14, possibly also a floor. Found a carbon sample on the floor at 274cm below datum (Ar/Ts.SLT3.14.C14.1), and a large sample under 'arch stones' while cleaning off stones in locus 13 (Ar/Ts.SLT3.13.C14.8). A couple of the lower arch stones fell today after Pavel had the guys remove one of the stones they were resting on.