The first transect of the day (Ar/Ni) headed south and was mainly through thickly vegetative fields. This caused minimal finds (which is most likely due to dense vegetation + field clearance). We did find, however, some graves and sprinkler bases.
Near the end of the transect (17) we ran across a settlement and fortress, and a few associated graves. Most of the walls were long and some appeared to be corners of rooms. The settlement also appeared to be terraced closer to the Kasahk river. Salpi was also successful in finding obsidian surface materials.
Transect 18, we found more mounds with carved stone corridors across the top. And heading south on transect 19 more graves and walls were found. In the beginning of transect 20, I recorded an artifact scatter which was made up completely of obsidian. These scatters seem to be more prevalent near the river.