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Today we walked four transects in the Nigavan area that each ran either to or from the Kasakh. Transect 10 ran east towards the kasakh from Nigavan and I encountered numerous burials, two walls as well as two large corrals. This area seems to have many corrals which have been built up using the large stones from the field of rocks they are in. First I encountered a burial cluster with many mounded cromlechs made with small stones near the beginning of the transect. The transect ran mostly along a water runoff so it is possible that there are more burials that are too difficult to make out. A short wall made of large stones disappeared into this water runoff. Another burial cluster with larger burials was near the middle of the transect along with two corrals. Both corrals are near a small chapel in the landscape. The first corral was very large and oblong with the entire east side open. The second was much smaller with only a small south eastern entrance. This corral also seemed to be bisected by a wall. Finally there was a low curved wall on this transect just before I reached cleared fields and a number of the same large soviet field clearing walls. As a result the rest of the transect until the river did not result in finds. Transect 11 ran west, just to the north of transect 10. While the first half of this transect was mostly cleared fields. There was a small burial cluster near the middle with two possible cists and a kurgan. The rest of the transect was, again, fields. Transect 12 ran east towards the Kasakh. It was much shorter and only yielded a small piece of obsidian in a tilled barley field just before the Kasakh. Transect 13 ran west from the main road down to the Kasakh and yielded many pieces of obsidian between the base of a hill and a drainage. The area has been washed down to the bedrock which is of tuf and basalt.