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In the morning, we focused our efforts on providing Maureen with a sense of the burial landscape at the middle of the KVAS survey region: showing clusters Aparan BC 04, Ar/Ni.AEC16.13, Aparani Berd BC 04, and Aparani Berd BC 03. At Aparan BC 04, we concluded that many of the tombs may in fact be rock piles related to Soviet tree cultivation there. We reconfirmed the validity of the Ar/Ni.AEC16.13 burials and further documented the plough damage there. Finally, at Aparani Berd BC 04, and Aparani Berd BC 03 we identified an area in Aparani Berd BC 03 that provides a dense number of burials in close proximity for excavation this summer.

Following lunch we walked an almost 2km transect from just east of Nigavan village to the Kasakh River. This was a landscape of dense N-S protruding ridges and fodder fields with no substantial sites recorded--a lot of rock outcrops and fields. Barley prevented a complete transect walk, but most of it was covered. We are moving north via E-W transects until we reach the area of the Chili bog.