Today we began a little late due to a need for the Uwaz to transport one group to Aparaniberd before we headed out to the area around the village of Nigavan. I walked two transects to the northeast of the village. The first, Transect 15, began at 441625 4496750, and ended at 442882 4496752, and ran from 9:30 am till 10:14 am. During this transect, I found a ridgeline corridor at 442147 4496748, which had a vaguely circular formation of stones near it, so I called Alan over to take a look. He determined it was not cultural and thus I found nothing to record. The transect ended at the barley field that we ran into during Transect 14 on 6/30.
I also worked Transect 16 with the team, beginning at 442879 4496950 at around 10:25, and it ended at the Soviet clearance wall that I marked in the data collector on 7/1, at 11:47 a.m.. The Soviet clearance wall was the only thing I found to record, although I watched Alan record a tuff source. I also found another ridgeline corridor early in the transect, where it was two double rows of stones, some of which appeared faced, with the corridor between. This was at 442786 4496958 but again, not recorded in the data collector.
Due to symptoms of heat faintness (not sure if heat stroke, heat exhaustion, whatever, but it was symptoms that usually end with me fainting), I sat the afternoon out and acquainted myself with the data collector from the last two years of survey and watched the rest of the team (Alan, Salpi, Karen) as they marked objects.
At the end of the day, Alan found a stone propped upright on other tuff stones, but none of the stones was worked, and given the presence of another such cairn within sight, the clear recent time period of erection, and ethnographic advice from Samvel, we determined it was a modern boundary stone still in use.