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Took closing measurements on Ar/An.Op4a. Decided that most likely the rocks fell from above, and there was no architecture present. Closed and back filled trench. Took closing measurements, and photography, and opened new trench (Ar/An.Op4b) further west on the same terrace. Pulled back from rock wall in order to see if there is architecture besides the terrace wall. Created locus 0 for the top soil, and locus 1 for materials found before the soil change. We have found mostly LB pottery at this point, but no architecture. After soil change I created a new locus (2). Continue to pull up bone, obsidian and ceramics. After going down 10 - 20 cm, hit an ashy layer with charcoal. Appears to be some sort of surface with a burn layer. This is most concentrated in the south eastern part of the surface. Took soil samples in order to evaluate and then went further down, starting on locus 3. This could be a fire from natural causes or anthropogenic.