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Yesterday was a fairly uneventful day on the western slope of Gegharot. We continued our expansion from a 6x8m to a 7x10m unit and began the grueling process of cleaning up our backfill (and refilling the trenchettes). While the workers were making their way through locus 6, acquiring a moderate amount of cultural material, I took to drawing the unit. This detailed image will be used to articulate the different loci and record the unit to date in a detailed fashion.

The only find worthy of reporting is the discovery of locus 14, which appears to be a N -> S terracing wall in the eastern extent of the unit. While it is unclear what the relationship of this feature is to the rest of the architecture within the unit (if it is contemporary or the product of a later phase of occupation), we hope this will become clearer as we continue to trace the wall and evaluate the finds within it.