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Went back to trench4b in order to determine if there was any existing architecture in the trench or material under surface. We were able to break through the very hard gray clay/stone surface to a softer brown clay. Unfortunately, under the surface there was minimal finds. I created a new locus when I detected a soil change to a lighter harder clay surface, but after further investigation found that these were actually pockets of clay within the matrix. Therefore I am combining locus 4 and 5 since there was minimal finds. Also removed more rocks from the western wall which is up against the terrace. At this point it looks like these are natural outcroppings. Lori visited the trench and agreed with me that it did not look like architecture and that most likely there was not cultural deposits further down. At this point I am closing out the trench and locus. Also walked the landscape to determine potenital locations for new trenches. Looking to explore down the hill to see if there is any architecture.