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Today we walked only four roughly one-km transects. The first transect was interrupted by a sighting of a truculent wolf, so we stopped heading south on transect 64 and lined up for a return transect (65) to the north. Before the wolf sighting, I found a series of rooms about half a km from Aparan Settlement 01, so we now have Aparan Settlement 02. Then, after the morning transects, we ground truthed a couple sites west of the transects and so discovered Aparan Settlements 03 and 04. 03 is up on a hill with semi-subterranean rooms and architecture that has multiple courses preserved. Down below 03, 04 lies along the same drainage that 01 is on. It generally has only one course preserved. After lunch, Transect 66 was truncated due to an incoming storm, so we lined up for a retreat transect back to the UAZ to evacuate the highlands in case the storm went nuts.