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July 26.

Made a plan for today and SW and I went up at 9:30am - hoping for more shade in late morning. It was slow, but we got some clouds for photos. Took photos and SW finished her architectural notes for T01 Burial 01.

Took photos, final elevations, and wall measurements of T01 Burial 02.

Then on to T02, for photos, measurements, elevations.

Finally took photos at T04 and elevations since none had been taken.

And that all - except for the total station...

We came back for lunch. Karen broke his foot! Drama.

Post-lunch SW and I washed a ton of materials. Margaritas happened early for Karen. Post-dinner pottery reading started with AFG and SW for the sherds from locus 02 that were found on the cobbles. Looks like 4+ vessels, but will probably have to send all bags together for reconstruction since they are pretty beat up. All group A Lchashen-Metsamor except for 1 EB sherd (and of course all of the indeterminate sherds... which actually belong to the vessels...).

Still so much to do for materials and skeletons!