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Today we walked three transects in the Aragtas and Kuchak quadrants. Transect 79 was near our southern survey boundary and ran west for a little over a Km. I only recorded a sprinkler head and a number of soviet field clearance boulder lines. Most of this transect was either fields, clearance, or water runoffs/irrigation. Transect 80 ran back east to the south of Transect 79. I only recorded a single clearance wall at the end and I found an obsidian projectile point at the end a little off my transect as well. This is likely because most of this transect ran along the north of a big ridge-line and I encountered fields at the end. Transect 81 ran north and covered a little over 1 km, tying the Aragats and Kuchak quadrants together. Along this transect I encountered burials, architecture, and a modern reservoir. Near the beginning I encountered a few terraces, the largest of which had a burial cluster with several clear cromlechs and several more suspicious looking rock piles. It is both possible and probable that the rock piles are modern field clearance on top of burials. A little above these I found an artifact scatter with a single piece of possibly worked obsidian. Near the end of the transect I encountered some field clearance and a modern dam. I recorded both the dam and a cement water runoff structure.