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Today we visited the fortress at Mirak in order to drone the site and discuss possible locations to being our test trenches. Two possible options: on a flat part of the lower terrace at the Southwestern corner of the fortress and/or near a wall that forms a room in the Northeastern part of the fortress. The first option could give us the benefit of uncovering wash layers from upper parts of the fortress, but I'm not sure what the rest of the contest we might find would turn up. The second option shows a clear depression of the room block and would expose some of the internal architecture of the structure. It is possible that at the room block, finds would also be in a better/undisturbed context to a degree. Previously LB and Early Iron sherds have been found at the site. It is likely that myself and three workers from Aparan will begin our excavations on Wednesday or Thursday. Once we had finished droning the site we returned to Lusagyugh where we unsystematically surveyed the creek bed and any cuts above the trench Levon excavated there in 2016. We collected several artifact scatters in the creek bed that included what Karen identified as Bronze Age obsidian and some non-diagnostic sherds as well as EB sherds and an Achulean Hand Ax that Karen found. Although we searched for an associated Bronze age settlement or evidence of one, we were unable to locate anything. Potentially due to alluvial activity and the overgrown oak forests in the area.