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Our focus today was on the hilly gorge flanks of the Kasakh and Kordjur rivers north and west of Mirak. We completed our transecting of the Kordjur gorge west of Mirak and walked transects south between the same gorge and the beginning of the broad agricultural fields on the terrace between the M3 highway and Mirak. We also checked in on Salpi's excavation activity throughout the day before leaving 30 minutes early due to rain.
Transects 01 and 02 were largely unresultative, although one additional burial cluster was identified by the gorge team of Chris and Karen. It was not the most convincing cluster, but good enough to leave in the dataset. An isolated burial from Transect 03 may affiliate with cluster Ar/Mi.KA17.01, but we are leaving it separate for the moment.

Transect 04 brought us to the edge of the gorge terrace fields and completed our work in this portion of the survey area, no additional finds. Tomorrow, we will begin work north and east of Mirak. The circumscribing group of burial clusters identified so far has been quite encouraging in terms of more tightly defining the archaeological landscape here.