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Our work today continued to focus on the hilly tracts around Mirak Fortress. There we talked transects 05 and 06 west from the Halavar reservoir and east from the vicinity of Ria Taza. Other than a group of burials associated with existing cluster Ar/Mi.EH14.04 and number of isolated burials, finds frequencies were low. The scale of the mortuary landscape here continues to be rather high and encouraging.

In the afternoon, we visited Salpi at Mirak and found that she had reached a tuff bedrock material in Operation 01 there. After a late lunch with her, we helped lay out a new trench in the southern fortress context we identified with Ruben several days ago. The grass was high at the fortress and needed to be tamped down before the unit string could be visible. Locals stopped by to argue that we were digging in their "cemetery" and Karen explained that that was not our intent and that we would be both careful and respectful of their ancestors. After that rather long process and discussion, we headed back to Aparan to cancel one Ucom account.