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The first part of our day was examining the hill just north of Nigavan, in which Site ID Ar/NI.EH14.01 had documented a burial cluster. It was suggested that cromlechs existed on the upper part of the hill, but we decided that this entry did not seem valid because of the amount of rockfall and the sheer angle of the slope. The second half of the afternoon was spent examining the cemetery and church area at Saralanj, which was documented as a burial cluster featuring both medieval and modern burials. We attempted to find a suitable area to transect just adjacent of the church but the valley came to a steep bottleneck that did not allow for an effective transect.

The last part of our day was dedicated to exploring the top of the Tsakunyats range where a dense obsidian resource is located. It was incredible to see the volume of obsidian nodules strewn about the summit of the mountain. It would make perfect sense for groups to follow the trail of small obsidian river cobbles to its point of origin. We suspect there may very well be some sort of site at the very peak of the mountain, although from our angle on the road it was difficult to observe any evidence of activity there.