July 15, 2017. I didn't take much time to take notes today as I was just excavating as quickly as possible so that the interment is clear for Lilit to draw. She started drawing the cromlech in T04 today so I may have missed the window of opportunity until Monday. At 3:30 I called it as being as clean as I could get it without destroying more than I made visible. There are bones in the middle that seem to have a high trabecular content, but I have no idea what they are. It is framed by two femurs and associated leg bones on the E and W sides, with animal bones in between and some bones that may be human. There is as os coxa in the N, which seems to be female based on the greater sciatic notch, even though I was looking at it from the lateral view. The ilia is not in great shape. Another Os Coxa is on the femur in the E (not articulated), also not in great shape and I am a little worried about how it will come out. I'm not sure if there are any human arm bones. The clumps of clay/calcium (?) look like tarsals and carpals.... vexing. A few possible ribs. Animal (goat? sheep? pig?) scapulae, long bones. We still haven't found any bronze, but Avik is finding bone fragments and paste beads in the small screen. The paste beads include red ones that are very fragile and larger greenish-white ones that also break.