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July 17, 2017. Not only did the rocks fall in and smash the large jar (second year in a row a large jar has been broken trying to get the perfect picture/view!), but then someone dug into the interior of the vessel! There was a small footprint (not a sneaker) in the soil that I had covered the N-E part of the chamber with, so my guess is a kid.

Bones were crushed, including the os coxa that I had noted indicated might be female. Probably just lost the ability to determine age. The femurs are still there and the other vessels appear okay.

I took photos at the end of the day with a north arrow and meter stick. The remains were in shadows (thanks to Avik), but the N part of the tomb (mainly empty) was in the sun, so it is not a perfect photo for publication, but it should be useful in drawing and describing.

So, I spent the day re-cleaning a very wet matrix trying to put things back together. Very frustrating. I've been having the same argument with people for ten years. The relationship between objects can be recreated through careful work, photos, and drawings. You can't bring back a crushed bone. It is gone. Data lost forever.