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July 19, 2017. And it just gets worse. Someone took the bowl under the large broken jar! Good news (?) was that the broken jar that was broken prior to excavation (good grief!), locus 102, did indeed have the red paint on it. The large jar/vessel had a hatched base, so early. Super vexed that we don't have the whole assemblage. We're going to have to rethink excavation methods. This chamber was open for 7 days. How can we have guards for 7 days? Opening one at a time could slow us down and mean I don't have anything to do some days, but it seems safer at this point. But annoying.

Cleaned for drone photos. Drone photos, started excavating and removing. No lunch. Two skull fragments were under the bowl and large rock, which was under the jar. Really stacked these things up. The bones were not in good shape. Avik screened all the soil into a bag that we brought back for Amy to float. Not sure of the results, but we'll see. I think micro just might be a more productive route - and so does Amy. But we'll try!

I am beginning to think Ar/An.BC03 is cursed.