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Our work today focused on NS transects directly beneath Horomi Paler, filling in our coverage of the area between Vardenis Settlement 01 and Chknagh village. There was little in terms of archaeological finds here, although several modern features and infrastructure were recorded. This region of the survey area is quite rocky and disturbed, either by fluvial/erosional activity or amelioration. It is quite possible that structures or burials were present here, as many of the stones were plausibly aligned in small sections, but none of it was coherent enough to be recorded.

North of our transects, within the more forested area of the slopes beneath Horomi Paler, we confirmed the isolated architecture recorded by Ian and Belinda here in 2014. In the high grass and trees, numerous stone alignments and the mere presence of large boulders on this otherwise clean slope, suggests some kind of potential settlement, although it was not coherent enough for us to enter it as such in the database. Fruit trees all around the features (apple, pear, etc.) also suggest a possible habitation spot, likely Medieval or Modern.

In the afternoon, we droned Vardenis Settlement 01 with both the RGB and thermal drones.