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Our work today focused on NS transect walking east of Chknagh, followed by a reconnaissance trip east of Dzoraglukh fortress at the end of day. There was little to record during our transects besides modern disturbance, including a long set of concrete posts that used to support a soviet era pipe that moved water east from the area of Chknagh towards T'tujur. A hill at the northernwestern edge of our transecting area (transect 23) seemed promising with round shape and small terraces, but it offered neither surface materials nor any evidence of architecture.

After lunch back in Aparan, we picked up Ian and Arsho in order to investigate potential fortress and mortuary sites just east of Dzoraglukh Fortress. While we were unable yet to use the switchback road to drive to the top of the Pambak (UAZ overheating), we found the gorge road that enables passage from below. On Monday morning, we will again try to ascend into the Tsaghkunyats to identify our prospective sites and walk the two hills east of the known fortress.