Today we continued our investigation of T41, alas moving beyond topsoil in this 5x5m unit. I must confess, after my discussion with Arsho I am convinced that this unit is not in fact lying in the anomaly zone we were targeting. Nevertheless, in the afternoon we finally reached a soil change. Approximately 60-80cm down in the eastern half of the trench (towards the center and western sides) we noticed the presence of some stones. The matrix surrounding this area was much darker. It was compact and almost black in color. While I first suspected this was a burn layer, the presence of root activity leads me to believe that this sediment was simply rich in bio-organic materials. As of now, the configuration of these stones resembles more of a lob than any clearcut architectural feature or wall. We were told that the anomaly in this area would be rather deep so I am hopeful that further excavation will proffer something that is archaeologically interesting! It is worth noting that there has been an increase in the density of ceramic materials. In the easternmost part of the trench we hit bedrock. Optimistic Gabby is back though -- while proceeding skeptically... Here's to hoping for an exciting last few weeks on the western slope this summer!