Week 4, Day 4. Today we diverged from usual surveying duties and instead stayed at Mirak to excavate Salpi's trench. The main objectives for the day included lowering the bottom of the trench to a depth that would expose the point of contact between the outside face of the wall and where the bedrock met. It was eventually located and in fact showed to pass under the wall altogether and reappear just inside the wall as well. This is very intriguing as it may have been a construction tactic for possible reinforcement of the wall's corner since it is on a hill. Another discovery was the existence of a potential pit in the wall's interior. This new locus was unique as several ceramic sherds were found here as well as a wetter, non-sterile soil unlike the dry clay / decaying granite surrounding it. I would like to see this locus go deeper but due to its small size and the amount of time left for work at Mirak, I doubt we can do much more at this point.