Today we continued walking several transects in the Ttujur quadrant. Transect 35 was heading North and started on the same UTM line we ended on the previous day and ended at the point where the slope of the mountains to the north became steep. This transect stretched mostly through a drainage that was full of cobbles. Most of the transects today were directly in the obsidian source and where it washed down through drainages below. On this transect I recorded a single artifact scatter of obsidian tools or flakes in eroded grass above a cut. While walking from one transect to the next I recorded a scatter of flakes in eroded grass near a cut. Transect 36 headed south from the tree line on the mountain and ended at the road. It crossed several drainages and I recorded two scatters of obsidian flakes and tools, one with a small 'crap-wear' sherd, again in eroded grass just above drainages. All of this continues to be in an area that is both a known obsidian source, and is listed on the monument's list as an open-air Paleolithic site. Transect 37 headed north and yielded no surface materials but was through several drainages and an obsidian-heavy part of the obsidian source. due to the drainages, if there were any tools I suspect they would have been tumbled over time by the water. Transect 38 was headed south and stretched again from the tree-line to barely fields. There were many cobbles with few opportunities for worked pieces to be apparent. I did record one short collection of flakes in a cut in eroded soil. Off transect I recorded one scatter that consisted only of a large fragment of a ‘medieval looking’ vessel handle. Transects 39 and 40 were completed after lunch and stretched east and back west respectively from our previous transects to the Ttujur source and back. This area consisted of many fox burrows, steep slopes, collected rocks, and forests with low visibility resulting in no sites being apparent to me.