Today we spent the morning at Mirak collecting a number of soil samples and making, what is hopefully, a viable attempt at collecting samples for Optically Stimulated Luminescence. We first collected two samples for OSL from Mirak Op. 03. The first sample was from the South side of the East baulk in Locus 03. The second was also from Locus 03, but from the West baulk, just above the Locus 06 pit. While we wanted to take a sample from Locus 06, we ran into too many large rocks. We also took a few large bags of general soil samples for flotation in the hope of finding carbonized materials. These samples were from Locus 02 and Locus 03. Small bags of soil samples for phytolith analysis were taken from Locus 02, 03, and 06. From Operation 02 we were unable to take any samples for OSL due to the presence of many rocks. However, we took soil for phytolith analysis from Locus 01, Locus 02, Locus 03, Locus 04 and Locus 05. We also took large amounts of soil for flotation from Locus 02 (including Locus 01 as there is no discernable soil change between the loci), Locus 03 (and Locus 05 as they are corresponding Loci) and Locus 04. We also walked the wall that we saw on drone images that extends to the north of the fortress. It is two faced at many points and is made of large irregular boulders – very cyclopean. It seems that this is not some later wall, it is likely a very early segment of architecture (possible built around the same time as the fortress wall). This would be a very reasonable place to open a trench should excavations at Mirak continue in the future. In the afternoon, we read some survey pottery and I helped Alan enter the pottery counts of many of the artifact scatters from the Chknakh and Lusagyugh quadrants.