Today we kept excavating locus 7 in order to clarify the situation with locus 8 (wall). The latter appears to be made by two courses. A special find (unfinished stone tool) was recovered from locus 7, but the general density of archaeological materials (mostly ceramics and bones, less obsidian compared to the upper layers) appears to be decreasing as we proceed deeper.
We later identified a potential floor surface (locus 9), which is characterised by the presence of scattered charcoal all over its surface. However, the almost complete absence of in situ archaeological materials challenges this assessment and no other evidence of an "inner" space of a dwelling has been detected in the trench. Three charcoal samples were collected from this deposit.
As we kept removing locus 7, it appeared clear that locus 8 is sitting on bedrock. We also identified a potential floor (locus 9) associated with the wall, characterised by frequent inclusions of charcoals, but no in situ archaeological materials.