In WSE I closed locus 1 and opened a second locus because I thought I detected a slight change in the color of the silt. However, after we excavated and examined the section I had trouble seeing the change. Continued to dig through wash the entire day. Have exposed the second course of the SW wall. In WSC2 we troweled through the floor of locus 5. Exposed several interesting stone features. First, two rows of relatively flat stones in the SE area of the trench, running perpendicular to the NE wall. In the center of the trench we uncovered a flagstone floor composed of about three rows of very nicely worked flat stones. It seems to continue into the SW baulk. Then in the NW area of the trench we uncovered another row of stones that also run perpendicular to the NE wall. In between this row of stones and the NW wall we found several carbon samples as well as burnt bone. I have collected these samples separately but since they all came from such a small area they probably can be combined. In general, carbon specks have been found across locus 5.