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A very interesting day so far.
Area A-
We have finished clearing the stones of locus 6 and are cleaning off more of locus 7. Pavel thinks we are still in the same locus as we dig more today. He believes locus 7 will continue to the bottom of the wall in the west bulk. The strange "burned" line/area continues further than we thought, tracing along and then into the south bulk. I have no idea what it is or what it means but we are leaving it alone for now. There seems to be more charcoal and ash as we are coming down into locus 7. We have pulled out a lot of bone and some ceramics that appear to be quite late, maybe 1st millenium. Not sure. We have made some nice steps on the north bulk, I hope they don't get in our way.

Area C-
We are cleaning off what we think to be a flagstone floor, and it's looking quite lovely, flat and well constructed to my eye. The line of stones against the north bulk could be a wall, but it does not seem to be related to the floor, but we are not sure. The west bulk has some very interesting stratigraphy and Ruben think we should draw it carefully.