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Today we are cleaning all the stones (possible walls) over the trench. It is too windy and cold - almost impossible to work.
We have stopped for a while the work in a2. In the eastern part of the trench there are some traces of a pit (?).
The vessel in c2 was photographed - its elevation from the trench "0" -186 cm the rim (up to the middle part of the body is uncovered so far - at - 210 cm) .
In locus b2 a horn with worked point was found (SF- bag # 30).
The second half of the day was occupied with cleaning of the EBA vessel in c2.
In b2 there is a structue of small stones (str. 1) that looks like a construction. In the area enclosed in the right angle formed by two small straight walls there is a pile of smaller stones; some LBA shards were also found there.