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Today was the third day of excavation at Tsaghkahovit Burial Cluster 12. On the first day we layed out a 7x7m square around Burial 1. It was a little off centered because I wanted it oriented north and due to the slope. I gave up on that the second day when I layed out the unit around Burial 2 (7.5mx8m) with a wicked slope; so this one is off north. Burial 1- locus 1 was about 15cm of topsoil. We have worked on locus 2 yesterday and today. Scattered around the NW large rock/stone we found sherds that seems to be all from one vessel. There were a few base sherds, but no rims. All fairly small. We screened this area, along with the dirt from the eastern side of the cromlech where we also found a couple sherds. The stones on the western side look very good, but I am not to sure about the eastern side. There is a gap right now and underneath some medium sized stones a seriously large (maybe tuff or basalt) stone (about 2m). The diameter right now of the cromlech is 6.10(N-S) and 5.74 (E-W).