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6/26/06 Worked only a half day today because of rain. When we arrived in the morning, I found the rock with datum 3 in the trench. We spent much of the morning breaking this rock to get it out of the trench. Also, decided to start a new trench today. We began removing the topsoil from room G, a 10 x 10 operation. Discussed this trench with Adam, and we decided not to keep a baulk since it would inevitably sit right above one of the walls of the room. In WSH, in the unrocky, medium-brown silt of locus 15, in the area just adjacent to locus 16, we came upon several pot sherds and a piece of an oven apprently in situ. Just near this oven sherd is an area of black earth. The sherds are resting on a packed clay surface speckled with charcoal. Collected a charcoal sample, took some photos, but decided not to remove the sherds until we bring the rest of locus 15 down to that level. This is probably the long awaited floor.