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Immediately this morning we continued our work in locus E633 in the NE quadrant of T2E, clearing stone and earth down to a target level approximately at the elevation of locus E604 adjacent to our EB wall corners (e.g.: locus E609). There was a great deal of rain overnight, but with little back dirt in the trench and excavations in E633 just beginning we were able to easily continue our work. Cleaning of the extant flat stones which were immediately underneath the western reaches of the LB shrine floor was followed by cleaning and pulling of stones from E609 northward. Much of the stones here were floating and subsequently removed as we leveled our excavations to an orange soil change roughly level with the upper EB floor across E609 associated with locus E618. The rodent burrow / pit identified in the 2005 excavations was then removed with shovels and an E/W linear stone construction delineated. Locus E634 was then begun between the southern face of this wall and locus E624. The clayey loam matrix of E634 appears to closely match the E624 matrix with high amounts of charcoal and mottling. Bone frequencies are also very high in this locus. When we bring it level with locus E624 we will dig them as one locus (perhaps bisected).