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6/29/06 It was another relatively uneventful day in the field. Rained the previous night so WSH was still way too wet to work in. By the time it was almost dry, in the late afternoon, it began raining again. So WSH is still on hold. Instead, we continued to remove topsoil from WSI and excavate locus 2 of WSG. This dark brown silt wash level is particularly deep, recalling WSE. We have already revealed three courses of the southeast wall, yet the matrix has not changed. The architecture in the south corner is still unclear. I removed one large bolder that at first seemed to be part of the wall, until it became clear that it was resting on dirt. Then tried to trace the course of the southeast and southwest wall, but situation is still a bit confused. Will wait until we get a bit deeper and clean the dirt off the top. In the meantime, two interesting rocks were found in this area, covered with what appears to be a layer of whitish yellow clay or plaster. On one rock this substance is on the top surface, while on another it is on the surface that faces into the trench. Material quanitites in locus 2 seem relatively low compared to other trenches, given its depth, but we are not screening this locus.