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Only a half day of work today as extreme cold forced an early break right after lunch. During the morning we mapped and removed additional flat paving stones from the remaining northern third of the 2005 season balk (at trench center). We then cut locus E639 into the soil immediately under these stones. We also removed a large flat white stone in the shrine's northwest corner (2003) and quickly excavated the soil underneath to bedrock as locus E538. Locus E539 terminated at yellow sandy silt and we changed loci to E541. The western edge of locus E541 appears to contain a possible EB hearth feature, partially eroded out the 2005 balk western face during the past year. We then mapped and removed flat paving stones roughly west of locus E538 which sat atop the locus E540 pit feature. They appear to have been placed to cover the pit and then they slumped over time. With theses stones gone we began digging E540, a quickly descending silty deposit with much charcoal. It appears to be cut into orange sand, and then gray granite bedrock. A cache of four astragali was recovered just 10cm below the paving stones which covered the majority of the pit.