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Finally a dry and warm day! We were able to work the entire day today without rain breaks and by day's end we were even excavating the locus E634 / 624 pit. We worked pit E640 and the E634 / 624 pit today revealing a strong column of stones beginning 20cm below the pit lip in E640 and reaching a level of extensive ceramics in E634. This ceramic concentration and reduced space necessitated the expansion of the pit excavation to locus E624 as well. Once both loci have been lowered to the same level it will be possible to dig the entire pit (room?) as one locus. In pit E640 it is now clear that the pit was completely paved with flat stones, but first filled with rocks and earth / garbage. Even the square construction first uncovered in 2003 sits atop flat stones, atop the pit. Large amounts of jar stoppers (5) were recovered from the E640 pit today as well as very high bone frequencies.