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7/10/06 Today was a busy and exciting day. To start, I hired 5 more workers in the morning. Also, Hamik and Larisa visited in the late afternoon. But the main focus of the day was the floor in WSH, which we finally reached. This floor was designated locus 18. Situated in situ on this floor was a small cup, close to the southeast wall. This became locus 19 and the contents of the pot locus 20. Just beside the cup I collected a sizeable charcoal sample. In addition, a paste bead was found in the east corner of the floor. Much of the afternoon was spent trying to clear the surface of this floor, first by removing all of the dirt of locus 15 and then by troweling and sweeping the packed clay surface. There are still a number of rocks clustered in the center of the room, and tomorrow I will trowel around these to determine whether they can be removed or not. Also, still need to take down the north corner, locus 16. Aside from WSH, one team of workers concentrated in WSG today, excavating and screening locus 9. A bronze ornament, probably an earring, was found in the screen of this locus. We also finished in locus 2 of WSI today and started a new locus, locus 5, which essentially constitutes the continuation of the wash level of locus 2, including all but the southwest third of the trench, where there is a lighter brown silt matrix. Finally, in WSI I created a new locus, locus 6, to mark the area on top of the southeast wall. I created this locus in order to clarify the architectural situation in area. All around, a productive and fun day.