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Our first action today involved the removal of several boulders which we had exposed near the end of yesterday in the E645 pit. They appeared to sit on top of multiple vertically positioned LB karas sherds and cleaning today showed that at least one karas is broken in place immediately to the south of the stone wall at the pit's northern end. We left the cache of E646 river stones in place and continued to descend and clean at the current base of E645. With the exposure of EB karas sherds and other vessels, mostly on the southern side of the pit, almost the entire base of excavation is currently covered with sherds. In the locus E644 section extension we finished excavation descent and began to remove the second level of wash, locus E648 which may involve some cleaning of the south face of the southern shrine wall, likely exposed originally in 2003. In the T2E NW quadrant we continued our excavation pass through locus E647 where EB materials continue to be light. A visible soil different in the SE corner of the locus indicates a possible extension of the E645 pit or another intrusion into these EB fill deposits.