07/11/2006. Burial 1: I found a seemingly grey sandy matrix (either that or very fine decayed rock) that had a distinct line separating in from the western part of the chamber and there was also some in the NE part, so that it made a rectangle. It was only about 10cm and then under it I started to get the orange brown matrix similar to the rest of the chamber, but still getting a few pieces of charcoal. I stopped excavting when there was no more charcoal and I started to get the black gravel. I think that this may be then end of whatever is going on... although there still may be something under the huge stone in the east.Burial 2: cleaned off the capstone and the other couple of rocks we found and took photos, elevations, and drew them.Burial 3: finsihed cleaning locus 2.Burial 4: Started Burial 4, 7x7m, and worked on locus 1 the topsoil.