7.15.06 Cleared out Locus 114 further, made it even, but still only have bedrock in about 1/2 of it. The rest is still the lightish brown silty soil with a few ceramics. To the east of the EB wall in 114, the yellow gravelly matrix has yielded few to no ceramics or anything interesting, and ATS had us leave it stepped. In Locus 117, the pit yielded close to 20 bags of ceramics (large sherds) and maybe 10 or 12 small finds today, including a gorgeous, intact, shallow LB dish and a small cup. Also found a bronze awl/needle thingy. Last day at Gegharot, so also did section drawing of S baulk up to E edge of Locus 116, the EB room. (ATS says there is already a section of the eastern 1/3 of the S baulk.) Crazy day! Sad to say goodbye to friends and workers at G. Endgame strategy for finishing T16: find bottom of pit in Locus 117 (actually closing the locus today, since reached a smooth, even surface with no ceramics and already have pulled 28 bags), and especially, find the western border of the pit and how it fits into the rest of ye olde Locus 117. Should the area between the pavement and the EB wall be taken down? May also want to check Locus 113 for floor to help understand the corner of the wall there.