07/21/06 Inessa Karepetyan worked with me in the field today and her expertise and insights made for a particularly interesting day. Work proceeded in WSG and WSI, and a new operation was started in WSC. This new operation is called WSC3. For today, we simply laid out the trench in the southeast side of the room, leaving a 1 meter baulk between it and the southeast baulk of WSC2. In WSI, we spent the entire day continuing to trowel out and sweep the floor for photography. In the process, we excavated an irregularly shaped pit in the south corner, and another pit in the southern quadrant of the room, although the edges of this second pit are not yet fully defined. The first pit, which became locus 15, had two fish vertebrae in it while the second pit was basically empty. The base of a storage vessel was found along the west side of the southwest wall, embedded within a packed clay. By the end of the day, the floor was entirely clean. I created a new locus, locus 17, to demarcate this floor as a distinct feature. Elesewhere in WSG, I created a new locus, locus 14, to demarcate the area above the southeast wall of the operation and another - locus 16 - above the southwest wall. The purpose of both of these loci is to clean the tops of the walls so that Hasmik can draw them. In WSI, we continued to work, rather uneventfully, in locus 14. With Inessa's help, Gagik continued to clean the passageway out of room I, loci 9 and 13. A bone figurine of a quadraped was found in locus 9. We also removed the stones that were blocking the entranceway at the west end of locus 9. Finally, in WSH we finished working in locus 24. That room is now ready for Hasmik. I will remove the stone feature in the middle of the room at a later time.